Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Cheese It - Walnut XO Parmesan Dip --- מטבל גבינה אגוזים וקוניאק

Food is subjected to fashion and trends .We can tell for instance, what was trendy to eat if we look into old cooking books (old magazine,or personal notebooks). So, dips in my memory associated with happy wild 70s'. We served them in friends gathering and party's. We where young and money was... well who cares, as long as we have something to eat and good music to listen to. Dip was great way to feed the crowd. versatile,easy to make,  you hardly  have dishes to wash after. It was a trend. Cheese (any kind) is one of the ingredient i can't live with out. Simply a must in my life. The recipe i'm sharing with you today, was made for the Jewish festive of Shavuot,( last week). but good for all year round. Sound good to me. Lets dip it my friends.

Cheese Dip Recipe:
150 gram white fresh cheese (9% גבינה לבנה)
100 gram light sour cream ( שמנת חמוצה)
1 teaspoon mayonnaise.
1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese.
2 tablespoon brandy.(קוניאק) any brand.
50 gram ground toasted walnut + silvered almond.(שקדים מולבנים)
salt, black pepper to taste.

So Easy:
Simply mix all ingredient together. Keep refrigerated over night for all  flavors to develop and blend well together.
Dip keep for few days. 
If you can't use alcohol in your cooking ( My Malay friends) don't add any.
Dip is ready after few hours of chilling. Ready to serve in many ways.
 Sliced vegetable,  crackers ,Puff pastry twists, bread fingers, vegetable sticks, yummy farmers fresh bread.
 Don't forget, a good glass of choose, I live it to you , live the music to me.... Naturally
Enjoy, Cheers.

Hey Pssst. let me know if you liked the music.

Opps something happen to my text, hope you will enjoy it anyway. will try to change it latter. :)

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